It’s Springtime in Glenbrook !
With such a dry winter, some of the Glenbrook landscapes are dead or sparsely covered with weeds and are overdue for maintenance. Luckily Mother Nature ha sbeen helping us out with a little rain but she can’t do it all, yards still need to be watered and weeds need to be cut back.
Architectural Control makes monthly inspections of all the homes in Glenbrook following our CC&R guidelines. Compliance letters will be sent if a property is not being maintained and this includes yards. If the property continues to be an annoyance or nuisance the homeowner will be ask to appear for a hearing at the next Board of Directors meeting. Regular maintenance of yards, adjacent slopes and adjacent parkways is the responsibility of the homeowner.
As a courtesy to all within the Glenbrook Association, let’ s do our part to keep upthe neighborhood by making property maintenance a priority.
Thank you in advance, The Board of Directors