Around Brea

Brea Downtown

RSS News from the City of Brea

  • Construction on Birch St & Kraemer Blvd
    Construction at the intersection of Birch St and Kraemer Blvd will begin on February 10 to May 23 from the hours of 7:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. This project consists of the removal and replacement of existing water mains, PVR vault, and paving upgrades.
  • Prepare for Rain
    There is rain in the forecast for the coming week. Free sandbags are available for pick-up at the Brea City Service Yard at 545 N. Berry St., Monday-Thursday from 7:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Proof of residency is required and a maximum of 10 sandbags.
  • Go. Serve. Brea
    The City of Brea is proud to announce Go. Serve. Brea. taking place on Saturday, April 26. This will replace the previous Love Brea event. Go. Serve. Brea. is a year-round city-wide volunteer initiative that will include this day of service.

RSS Orange County Register Brea News

Crime Map

View local crimes that area police departments reported to the LexisNexis Community Crime Map. You can filter by types of reported crime, dates and density of crime in particular areas.

This is an external website that isn’t maintained by the Glenbrook Club, so you’ll have to agree to their terms of use.

Brea Senior Center Happenings