Clubhouse Pool
The pool is open weekends only 12-5:45pm, and closes for the season October 20th.
Don’t forget to get your 2024 membership cards if you haven’t already. Make sure to show them at the office before going down to the pool.
Watch for the swim lessons schedule the last week in April. The 8-week program will run June 10th to August 2nd. Registration starts May1st and Glenbrook residents have priority.
Swim lesson class dates, registration and levels can be viewed here.
Aqua Aerobics on Mondays at 5pm and Fridays at 5:30pm through September. Members $30, Non-Members $40
Brea Glenbrook Pool Policies
Use of the club facilities acknowledges the Club Board and Staff’s responsibility and authority to enforce these
policies. Any violation of the policies should be immediately reported to the Club Staff. Variance to these rules
is permitted by direction of the Board of Directors or the Club Manager.
The following are the rules governing the pool as set by the Glenbrook Board of Directors.
1. NO ONE is allowed in the pool or pool area unless a lifeguard is on duty.
2. Management and Staff reserve the right to deny Club privileges to any member or guest due to unruly
behavior, failure to comply with the rules or failure to comply with Staff requests.
3. Disciplinary action will be as follows: 1st offense-Warning, 2nd offense-15 minute “Bench”, and 3rd offense Expulsion for a period of one to three days and parental counseling before re-entry.
4. No running, pushing, dunking, fighting, yelling or other disruptive behavior is allowed. Abusive language
or behavior, which is offensive to others or Staff, will NOT BE TOLERATED. The offending member(s)
and /or guest(s) will be asked to leave immediately.
5. The wader pool is for children 6 years of age and younger and must be supervised by a responsible member
14 years or older who remains in the wader pool area with the child.
6. Children under 7 years of age must be accompanied and supervised by a responsible member 14 years of age
or older who knows how to swim.
7. Children who can swim the width of the pool will be permitted in the deep end of the pool at the lifeguard’s
8. No gum is allowed on the pool deck.
9. Permitted drinks must be in non-breakable containers.
10. NO floatation devices are allowed in the pool. Small children will NOT be allowed in the pool with any
swimming assistance apparatus.
11. Only approved dive sticks, dive rings and noodles are allowed in the pool.
12. No climbing on or diving from the lifeguard tower(s) and swim team diving blocks is allowed.
13. No flips off the side of the pool, dives are allowed in the deep end of the pool only.
14. Only ONE person at a time on the diving board or pool ladders.
15. When going off the diving board, swim to the side of the pool and not to the back wall.
16. No inward or reverse dives are permitted.
17. During adult swim, all children will be totally away from the sides of the pool.
18. No throwing towels or clothes into the pool.
19 No towel whipping.
20. No street clothes except t-shirts (to prevent sunburn) will be permitted in the pool
Pool Facilities Rules and Regulations
Updated April 2019
1. The Brea Glenbrook Club ("Association") pool, wading pool and pool area (collectively, the "Pool Facilities") are for the exclusive use of owners and residents in the Association and are not for the use of the general public or uninvited guests. A form of identification must be presented to the Association’s Staff before entry is permitted into the Pool Facilities.
2. Seasonal Pool Hours
- Winter: Closed
- Fall and Spring: Limited Hours. Hours will be posted on the Association's website when the Pool Facilities are open for the season.
- Summer: TBA, subject to changes depending on Covid-19 guidance.
3. NO ONE is allowed in, or permitted to use the Pool Facilities unless there is a lifeguard on duty.
4. Children under 7 years of age must be accompanied and supervised by a responsible member 14 years of age or older who knows how to swim. Any child over 7 years of age
coming to swim alone MUST be able to swim proficiently. The decision that a child can swim proficiently is at the discretion of the Brea Glenbrook staff and Board of Directors.
5. Residents may not have more than three (3) guests per card and a maximum of 6 guests per household in the Pool Facilities at any time. An adult resident must always accompany guests in the Pool Facilities. The homeowner is responsible for the conduct of any guests.
6. All residents are responsible for cleaning up after themselves and their guests. Please take all belongings with you when you leave the Pool Facilities. The Association is not responsible for any lost, missing or stolen items.
7. The Pool Facilities cannot be used or reserved for private parties.
8. No glass containers of any kind allowed in the Pool Facilities. Permitted drinks must be in non-breakable containers.
9. Use of alcohol is permitted in the Pool Area by members of legal drinking age. No alcohol may be consumed in or brought in the Pool/Wader. No alcohol may be left unattended.The Brea Glenbrook Staff and Board of Directors reserve the right to rescind this privilege at any time.
10. No drugs are allowed in the Pool Facilities or Pool Area. No one under the influence of drugs is permitted in the Pool Facilities or Pool Area.
11. If a member, or his/her tenants, guests, and invitees, in any way causes a disturbance to other residents, or allows misuse of the Pool Facilities, Pool Area, or violates the Pool Rules and Regulations, he/she may be fined and denied use of the facilities in the future.
12. No gum is allowed on the pool deck.
13. Smoking is not permitted in the Pool Facilities.
14. Running, pushing, shoving, towel whipping, or pulling in the pool area are not permitted. Horseplay, chicken fighting and boisterous conduct is prohibited since it may causes accidents and may hinder the enjoyment of the pool area by others.
13. Diving into the pool is only permitted in the deep end of the pool only. Only ONE person at a time is permitted on the diving board or pool ladders. When going off the diving board, swim to the side of the pool and not to the back wall. Inward or reverse dives are not permitted. Diving into the wader pool is not permitted.
14. Climbing on or diving from the lifeguard tower(s) and/or swim team diving blocks is not permitted.
15. Flips off the side of the pool are not permitted.
16. Lifesaving equipment located in the pool area is for EMERGENCY USE ONLY.
17. Floats, boards, swim fins, large toys, balls, or other floatation devices are not permitted in the pool or wader pool. Only approved dive sticks, dive rings and noodles are permitted in the pool.
18. No jump houses, or other inflatable play equipment is permitted in the pool area.
19. No surfboards, kayaks, canoes, body boards, scuba or diving equipment or other equipment may be used in or around the pool.
20. Bicycles, razors, roller blades, skateboards, tricycles, roller skates, scooters or any other type of wheeled bikes are prohibited in the pool area and the area around the pool facilities.
21. No throwing towels or clothes into the pool or wader pool.
22. No pets of any kind are allowed in the Pool Facilities. Service animals are permitted to accompany disabled persons into the pool area. If you require a service animal to be in the pool itself, please notify the Association so that arrangements and a reasonable accommodation may be arranged for your safety and that of the service animal.
23. Pets may not be tied, leashed or otherwise tethered to anypool fence, gate or surrounding trees.
24. No clothing other than normal swimming attire is to be worn in the pool. T-shirts are permitted to prevent sunburn.
25. Persons who are incontinent or not toilet trained must wear diapers with leak proof rubber pants or swim diapers when in the pool and wader pool.
26. Persons who have had diarrhea in the previous two weeks should refrain from using the pool or wader pool due to health risks.
27. No food, soaps, bubble bath, beverages, lotions, water conditioners, oils, additives or other chemicals or substances are to be used or put into the pool or wading pool. Only authorized and qualified Association personnel may use or put any substances into the water.
28. Each resident is responsible to ensure the gates are closed and locked when entering or leaving the Pool Facilities.
29. The use of radios, personal music players, televisions, etc. is prohibited in the Pool Facilities, unless used with headphones or earphones.
30. Cellphones may be used, but conversations should be conducted in low level voice with minimal noise or audio impact on others in the pool area.
31. Please use a towel to protect the surface of the pool furniture.
32. Please shower before using the pool or wader pool. Showers are only for persons using the Pool Facilities and not for individual personal hygiene not related to use of the pool facility.
33. Anyone urinating or defecating in the pool or wader pool is subject to immediate and permanent removal from the Pool Facilities and imposition of appropriate penalties, which may include charging residents with all costs of draining and cleaning of the pool or wader pool. Residents are also subject to fines for such action by their guests.
34. The pool equipment, including the pool and wader pumps, filters, and other machinery are not to be adjusted, or tampered with. Only authorized Association personnel may adjustor modify the equipment.
35. The last 15 minutes of each hour is reserved for lap swimming. Persons not swimming laps during this time must be away from the sides of the pool. If no one is swimming laps within 5 minutes, free swim is called at that time.
36. Use of profanity or obscene language is prohibited. Abusive language or behavior, which is offensive to others and the Association's Staff, will NOT BE TOLERATED. The offending member(s) and/or guest(s) will be asked to leave immediately.
37. Violation of these rules can result in immediate removal from the Pool Facilities at the direction of an Association agent, in addition to further disciplinary action against the responsible homeowner.
38. The Board of Directors reserves the right to amend the rules as they see fit, as well as revoke the rights of any person not abiding by the rules, after notice and hearing.
Our team is a seasonal competitive swim team offering high quality professional coaching and technique instruction for all ages and abilities. The goal of our team is to provide every member an opportunity to improve swimming skills and achieve success at his or her level of ability, from novice to international competitor.
Contact Christine Denbo at