To set up bank bill pay to pay your Glenbrook Club monthly dues, you will have to have online banking already set up with your bank. If you have online banking proceed as follows (may differ slightly for your particular bank):
1. Select Bill Pay from the payment choices.
2. Once on the Bill Pay page you should see a prompt that states; “if the
company you are paying does not accept electronic payments click on
send a check”. Select that option.
3. Fill in all required company information:
Brea Glenbrook Club
1821 E. Greenbriar Lane
Brea, CA 92821
4. When asked for an account put in your physical street address. This is
how your payment is applied to your Glenbrook account in our system.
5. Payments are due the 1st of each month so make sure to allow 3-5
business days for mail delivery when selecting a payment date since your
bank will be sending your payment check directly to Glenbrook.
If you have any questions call the club, 714-529-8002