2023 Wine Tasting

Glenbrook will again be hosting the Wine Tasting event on Sunday, July 9, 2023 from 2-6pm. Save the date and don’t miss this event!!!! There is a $5.00 entry fee and make sure to bring extra to buy raffle tickets. This year the theme is Light Summer Delight. Wines you Read more…

2023 Glenbrook Valentine Dinner

Date and Time: Saturday, February 14th, 2023 at 6:00pmLocation: Glenbrook ClubhouseAdults OnlyRSVP by Tuesday, February 7thWe would like to invite you to our annual Adult Valentine Dinner on Tuesday, Feb. 14th at 6pm.Enjoy a FREE four-course homemade Italian meal. A memorable Valentine’s celebration for couples and singles to share with Read more…