It seems as though Glenbrook is on a remodeling/upgrading/expansion trend!!! It is wonderful seeing all these beautiful things in progress and then admiring the final results. Great job Glenbrook!!!

One important thing needs to be mentioned…if you are planning to make any changes, replacements, upgrades or improvements to you home/property remember you have to fill out an Architectural Change Form prior to starting the project and submit it for approval. Please call the club or email me at and I will email you the form, or download it as an Acrobat PDF here.
It will then go to Architectural Control for approval and then I will send it back to you. Paint colors, solar panels, addition of walls and/or fences, any structural changes to your home, anything that can be seen from the curb requires you to submit an Architectural Change Form. The key word is “CHANGE”…if you are replacing say an existing garage door with another garage door then you don’t need to fill out the form.
But if you are going to be replacing a wall or windows with different dimensions then you must submit an Architectural Change Form. If you have questions or are not sure if you need to fill out the form for what you are planning, give me a call or send me an email. Always best to check before you start a big project.
Thank you in advance