Quorum was not met in July so our Annual Meeting is now scheduled for
Tuesday, August 9, 2022 at 8:00pm at the clubhouse. We ask that all residents
return their completed and valid ballots to the club by 5:00pm on August 9th or
you are welcome to attend the meeting and bring their completed ballot with you.
A completed ballot is one that has been filled out by the homeowner and placed in
the small inner envelope then sealed. It becomes valid once the small inner envelope
is placed in the mailing envelope, SEALED and the upper left-hand corner of the
mailing envelope has the homeowner’s printed name, the property address and
their signature. Renters are not eligible to vote. If any renters should receive a
ballot packet please contact the club so this important information can be sent to
the homeowner as soon as possible. We need 124 ballots on August 9th to have
quorum so please return your ballot as soon as possible.
Glenbrook’s Valentine Dinner
We would like to invite you to our annual Adult Valentine Dinner on Friday, Feb. 14th at 6:30pm.Enjoy a FREE four-course homemade Italian meal. A memorable Valentine’s Day celebration for couples and singles to share Read more…