Annie Li and Jenoa Vincitorio – CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!
- Annie Li will be attending University of Southern California. Her goal is to become a Financial Advisor. In her essay she explains that moving into Glenbrook in sixth grade and attending Country Hills was an important phase in her life. It was difficult to form relationships with students who had been together from early on in school, but she persisted and eventually found generous support from Glenbrook during high school. She finishes her essay with, “I will never forget how Glenbrook breathed new vigor in my life.”
- Jenoa Vincitorio has been accepted to attend the University of Laverne and plans on majoring in Business Administration. She says that Glenbrook is “home”, the place that makes her feels safe. She refers to Glenbrook as her “little village”, neighbors helping neighbors and people all around her that she can count on always. It’s her happy place where the people up and down the street have impacted her life and made her the person she is today and will be in the future.