Women’s Club Spring Tea is on Sunday, April 22nd from 1 pm to 3 pm.
Please RSVP by April 16th, seating is limited. Call the club at 714-529-8002 or send an email to nfoxhall@breaglenbrook.org
Invite your mother, daughter, aunt, grandmother, granddaughter, niece and/or neighbor to this very special event.
The Women’s Club will sponsor the desserts, teas and beverages. During the social you will be creating a floral arrangement to take bring home.
To help CERT we are asking you to bring either rolled gauze or 4×4 sterile pads.
Enjoy a lovely lunch and short program/craft with the people you love the most. Guests need to bring a teacup … it can be their favorite or one that they might want to donate for next year’s tea.